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Gestation calculator


Home      Abortion      Gestation calculator

To find out which abortion treatments are available to you, you will need to work out your current gestation (how many weeks pregnant you are). Use our gestation calculator to get an estimated gestation and read more about the types of abortion available.  

Gestation calculator

When was the first day of your last menstrual period?

calendar icon

If you’re unsure of the exact date of your last menstrual period, you could just put an approximate date.

When you are ready to book your appointment, whether online or on the phone, we will discuss how to assess your exact gestation.

Useful abortion information 

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Abortion treatment types

Read about the two types of abortion: medical (or abortion with pills) and surgical.

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What to expect 

A guide on what to expect and how to prepare for your abortion appointment.

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Abortion stories

Read medical and abortion stories from our clients to feel reassured you are not alone.