
MSI Reproductive Choices is a registered charity committed to offering the best services for our clients and our NHS commissioners
Our governance and assurance structures are designed to ensure we consistently provide a safe, effective, caring, and personalised service for everyone who comes to us.
They help give us, our clients, and our commissioners confidence that we adhere to the highest standards of quality and best practice, relevant regulations, and the law.
Clinical safety
Safety is always our greatest priority.
We regularly inspect and audit our services, conduct training and drills, and update our policies and guidelines in keeping with the latest evidence. We also learn from incidents in real time through our robust reporting and review systems, including a weekly complaints, incidents, and client feedback monitoring group.
Clinical safety is further overseen by our Clinical Effectiveness Group, which receives regular reports from various working subgroups on the prevention and management of deterioration, and on infection prevention and control.
Through these various measures, we assure ourselves, our clients, and our commissioners that our practice is of the highest quality, and that we put the safety and wellbeing of our clients above all else.

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
We recognise that unwanted pregnancy is often accompanied by other difficult circumstances, and so we have a robust process of identifying and supporting clients through various safeguarding concerns.
Each of our staff is trained to the appropriate level of safeguarding knowledge and practice established by the Intercollegiate Guidelines.
Safeguarding cases and the quality of their management are reviewed by local, regional, and national safeguarding leads. And our safeguarding practice is continually monitored through audit, staff surveys, and a robust Safeguarding Dashboard, all overseen by our expert Safeguarding Group, which reports into the Quality Sub-Committee.
Follow the link below to read our latest Annual Safeguarding Report.
Safeguarding focus during the pandemic
We are committed to maintaining our usual high standards of safeguarding for vulnerable clients throughout the pandemic.
We know that we have a major role to play in protecting children and adults at risk of harm and abuse – now more than ever and we are continuing to implement HM Government legislation to safeguard children and adults.
This is with a raised awareness of the possible exacerbation of safeguarding concerns due to COVID-19 including; isolation, social distancing and impacts on environmental, emotional and physical health.
No child or adult should be made to feel unsafe. Everyone has a right to be safe from harm and abuse. All of us have a role to play in safeguarding, never more so than during COVID-19.

Quality assurance and improvement
We are proud to be a learning organisation, which continually seeks to improve our services, and to assure ourselves of their quality and compliance with relevant regulations and laws.
Quality is monitored through regular inspections and audits, client feedback, quality and performance dashboards, and clinical quality scorecards. Information about our quality and the improvement actions constantly being undertaken in response flows directly from ‘ward to Board’, so that we have confidence in our service at every level.
Assurance is first sought at clinic level through Local Integrated Governance Meetings, then at regional level through Regional Integrated Governance Meetings, corporately through the Quality Sub-Committee and the Executive Management Team, and finally at board level through the Integrated Governance/Assurance Committee and the UK Divisional Board. The UK Divisional Board is a subset of the MSI Reproductive Choices Board, and has ultimate responsibility for the organisation. Quality improvement is also overseen by the various expert groups that report into our Quality Sub-Committee, including the Clinical Effectiveness Group, Safeguarding Group, Medicines Management Group, and Information Governance Steering Group.
These groups ensure that our service is safe and effective, that we protect clients and their information, and that we adhere to best practice, regulatory frameworks, and the law. Our expert groups, our leadership, and our dedicated staff more broadly all consist of highly skilled, experienced, and committed professionals.
Download our latest quality accounts 2021/2022
Quality Accounts are annual reports about the quality of services provided by an NHS healthcare service. They are published by each NHS healthcare provider, including the independent sector, and are made available to the public
Each of our clinical team members undergoes a rigorous six-month induction and training programme, to ensure that they’re confident and competent in all aspects of our care.
Their practice is regularly supervised by clinical leads, who assess team members against competency frameworks and compliance monitoring tools. We also have a bespoke training matrix, which monitors compliance with all required statutory and mandatory training.
And finally, our teams undergo regular training, updates, and drills during monthly team meetings.
Sign up to Safety pledge
We have pledged to improve client safety as part of the national campaign, Sign up to Safety.
The five Sign up to Safety pledges are:
- Put safety first. Commit to reducing avoidable harm in the NHS by half and make public the goals and plans developed locally.
- Continually learn. Be more resilient to risks as an organisation, by acting on the feedback from patients and by constantly measuring and monitoring how safe services are.
- Be Honest. Be transparent with people about progress to tackle patient safety issues and support staff to be candid with patients and their families if something goes wrong.
Take a leading role in supporting local collaborative learning, so that improvements are made across all of the local services that patients use. - Be Supportive. Help people understand why things go wrong and how to put them right. Give staff the time and support to improve and celebrate progress.