What to expect from an abortion

What to expect: before, during and after an abortion
We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when start your treatment journey with us.
We know how important it is to feel prepared and know what to expect when accessing abortion care. In this section, we will walk you through the key steps involved in your abortion treatment journey with us.
The abortion process

Calculate your gestation
After a positive pregnancy test, it’s important to find out your gestation (how many weeks pregnant you are) as this determines the treatment options available to you.
You can use our gestation calculator to work out how many weeks pregnant you are.
Calculate your gestation

After a positive pregnancy test, it’s important to find out your gestation (how many weeks pregnant you are) as this determines the treatment options available to you.
You can use our gestation calculator to work out how many weeks pregnant you are.

Understand your treatment options
There are two abortion treatment options available: medical abortion (or abortion with pills) available up to 9 weeks and 6 days gestation, and surgical abortion, available from 6 weeks up to 23 weeks and 6 days gestation. To help you make an informed choice, you can read our “how to choose between medical and surgical treatment” page.
Understand your treatment options

There are two abortion treatment options available: medical abortion (or abortion with pills) available up to 9 weeks and 6 days gestation, and surgical abortion, available from 6 weeks up to 23 weeks and 6 days gestation. To help you make an informed choice, you can read our “how to choose between medical and surgical treatment” page.

Know the support options available
Abortion is very common, but not often talked about. Some people are sure of their decision, and some people may want to discuss their feelings and speak to someone about their options. Remember: we are here for you and abortion counselling is available before, during or after treatment.
Know the support options available

Abortion is very common, but not often talked about. Some people are sure of their decision, and some people may want to discuss their feelings and speak to someone about their options. Remember: we are here for you and abortion counselling is available before, during or after treatment.

Book your initial consultation
The first step in accessing abortion care is to book a consultation. When you call us to book your abortion, one of our advisors will arrange your consultation. They can arrange for this to be over the phone or face-to-face in one of our clinics, at a time that suits you.
Book your initial consultation

The first step in accessing abortion care is to book a consultation. When you call us to book your abortion, one of our advisors will arrange your consultation. They can arrange for this to be over the phone or face-to-face in one of our clinics, at a time that suits you.

Have your consultation
During your consultation, we will collect your medical history and explain the next steps in the process so you know what to expect.
In order to fulfil legal requirements, we will ask what your reasons are for wanting an abortion. This is also a good time to discuss contraception, should you wish to start a method following your abortion treatment.
Have your consultation

During your consultation, we will collect your medical history and explain the next steps in the process so you know what to expect.
In order to fulfil legal requirements, we will ask what your reasons are for wanting an abortion. This is also a good time to discuss contraception, should you wish to start a method following your abortion treatment.

Prepare for treatment
At the end of your consultation, you will be offered an appointment at one of our clinics (for example to have a scan or a surgical abortion pre-assessment) or, if you are eligible for abortion telemedicine (pills by post), you will be booked for a phone assessment with one of our nurses.
Prepare for treatment

At the end of your consultation, you will be offered an appointment at one of our clinics (for example to have a scan or a surgical abortion pre-assessment) or, if you are eligible for abortion telemedicine (pills by post), you will be booked for a phone assessment with one of our nurses.

Start your abortion treatment
If you are having a medical abortion, you will have to take two sets of pills at two different times.
There are two ways you can receive the pills:
- If you are attending the clinic for an appointment (you may need to attend a clinic to have a scan – this will be determined during the consultation), you will pick up your pills at the end of the appointment.
- If you are eligible for telemedicine (as determined during your consultation) you will not attend the clinic but you will have a clinical assessment with a nurse on the phone. At the end of this assessment, you will agree with the nurse whether the pills can either be sent to you in the post, or you pick them up from our clinics.
If you are having a surgical abortion, following your initial consultation, you will attend two separate appointments: the first one is a pre-assessment with one of our nurses, and the second one is when the surgical treatment takes place. For a surgical treatment, please expect to be at the clinic for the whole day.
Start your abortion treatment

If you are having a medical abortion, you will have to take two sets of pills at two different times.
There are two ways you can receive the pills:
- If you are attending the clinic for an appointment (you may need to attend a clinic to have a scan – this will be determined during the consultation), you will pick up your pills at the end of the appointment.
- If you are eligible for telemedicine (as determined during your consultation) you will not attend the clinic but you will have a clinical assessment with a nurse on the phone. At the end of this assessment, you will agree with the nurse whether the pills can either be sent to you in the post, or you pick them up from our clinics.
If you are having a surgical abortion, following your initial consultation, you will attend two separate appointments: the first one is a pre-assessment with one of our nurses, and the second one is when the surgical treatment takes place. For a surgical treatment, please expect to be at the clinic for the whole day.

Arranging childcare
If you are attending one of our clinics for an appointment, you will be asked to arrange childcare. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to bring children to the clinic with you. This is to be as sensitive as possible to others in the waiting area with you.
Arranging childcare

If you are attending one of our clinics for an appointment, you will be asked to arrange childcare. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to bring children to the clinic with you. This is to be as sensitive as possible to others in the waiting area with you.

Consenting to your abortion
Whether you are accessing a medical or a surgical abortion, you will be given a treatment consent form ahead of your appointment, to give you time to ensure you understand the treatment, and write down any questions you might have. Before starting your treatment, our nurses and midwives will discuss the consent form in detail with you, explaining side effects and risks involved just like any other medical procedure, to make sure you feel ready and prepared.
Consenting to your abortion

Whether you are accessing a medical or a surgical abortion, you will be given a treatment consent form ahead of your appointment, to give you time to ensure you understand the treatment, and write down any questions you might have. Before starting your treatment, our nurses and midwives will discuss the consent form in detail with you, explaining side effects and risks involved just like any other medical procedure, to make sure you feel ready and prepared.

Discuss contraception options
Contraception counselling is part of your abortion care with MSI UK, should you wish to start (or change) a method of contraception following your abortion. For example, if you would like a coil fitted and you are having a surgical abortion, we can arrange for contraception to be fitted during or on the same day as your abortion treatment. If you are having a medical abortion, some methods can be given or fitted during your appointment, or we can offer you a follow up appointment for whatever method of contraception you may choose. If you are looking for a contraceptive method that suits your individual needs, you can book an appointment within six months of your abortion treatment.
Discuss contraception options

Contraception counselling is part of your abortion care with MSI UK, should you wish to start (or change) a method of contraception following your abortion. For example, if you would like a coil fitted and you are having a surgical abortion, we can arrange for contraception to be fitted during or on the same day as your abortion treatment. If you are having a medical abortion, some methods can be given or fitted during your appointment, or we can offer you a follow up appointment for whatever method of contraception you may choose. If you are looking for a contraceptive method that suits your individual needs, you can book an appointment within six months of your abortion treatment.

Access aftercare support
Following your treatment, your care does not end. We have an aftercare line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 0345 122 1441. You can read more about the support that is available at this link.
Access aftercare support

Following your treatment, your care does not end. We have an aftercare line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 0345 122 1441. You can read more about the support that is available at this link.
Learn more about what to expect
Visit the pages below to learn more about what to expect at each stage of your abortion care.

Learn more about what will happen during your consultation and assessment.

How to prepare for your treatment
Learn more about how to prepare for your abortion treatment.

On the day of your appointment
Learn more about what to expect on the day of your appointment.