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A client story from England

 •  24 June 2020  • 2 min read



“I was on the pill and had taken it everyday like clockwork so was gobsmacked to see a positive result.” 

A client story from England

“The staff at MSI UK were all so kind and considerate – they made a rubbish situation feel slightly more bearable.” 

“My daughter was 7 months old when I found out I was 11 weeks pregnant; I’d been having dizzy spells and had gained a bit of weight and thought I’d do a pregnancy test just to rule out the possibility, although I was convinced it would be negative. I was on the pill and had taken it everyday like clockwork so was gobsmacked to see a positive result. I was so confused as I’d had monthly bleeding at the same times I’d expect my period and had put this down to post pregnancy hormones.

Neither myself nor my husband felt that we were ready for another baby and so after doing some research, I made an appointment at an NHS funded MSI clinic, for a medical abortion. I did initially go to see my GP but after going to see him, he tried to convince me to go through with the pregnancy and so I decided that I would contact MSI myself.

I don’t mind admitting that I was quite frightened and nervous about both the appointment and the abortion itself but the staff at the clinic were so professional and understanding.”

You can read more abortion stories at this link.

“I don’t know what I would have done without MSI. I feel very lucky to have access to facilities like this in a time of need and am grateful for their help.”


