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MSI Reproductive Choices comment on six-month extension for at-home early medical abortion

Press releases  •  24 February 2022  • 3 min read



MSI Reproductive Choices comment on six-month extension for at-home early medical abortion

Media statement

London, 24th February 2022

Today, the government has announced a six-month extension for at-home early medical abortion and has committed to keeping this under review.

In March 2020, the UK Government approved temporary measures to enable women and pregnant people to take both pills for early medical abortion (EMA) at home via telemedicine. Before this, only the second pill could be taken at home.

Following a public consultation, the government has been deciding whether to make this temporary improvement to abortion care permanent.

Jonathan Lord, UK medical director for MSI Reproductive Choices, said:

“The government has announced a six-month extension for at-home early medical abortion. Although they have committed to keeping this under review, we are disappointed that this service will not be made permanent. This would be indefensible and would go against overwhelming clinical evidence. The service has reduced waiting times and provided greater choice, which is particularly vital for vulnerable clients, such as women in abusive relationships or anyone else who can’t safely travel to a clinic.  

peer-reviewed study found that two thirds of women surveyed would choose to take their abortion pills at home regardless of COVID-19. If this service ends, everyone would be unnecessarily forced to travel to a hospital or clinic, for the sole purpose of swallowing a tablet which can be taken perfectly safely at home.  

This is a pro-choice country. It’s not too late for the government to listen to women who overwhelmingly want this service to stay.” 

For further information please contact:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 (0) 7769 166 516

Our services in England

Please note: telemedicine abortion, or “at home abortion” is still available and all appointments are going ahead as planned. There are not changes to current provision and existing appointments.

We are here and we are open as usual: all of our services are running as normal, including telemedicine and face-to-face appointments across our clinics in England.

Useful links

To read more on telemedicine and why we believe it should be made a permanent option for women and pregnant people in England, click on the links below:

To know more about how to access abortion care at home, click on the links below:



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