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MSI UK’s Dr Yvonne Neubauer announced as South West winner of the Excellence in Education and Training Award, shortlisted for national 2024 NHS Parliamentary Awards

News from MSI UK  •  5 September 2024  • 5 min read



We are proud to share Dr Yvonne Neubauer, our Associate Clinical Director, has been awarded the Excellence in Education and Training award for the South West in the regional 2024 NHS Parliamentary Awards, as well as being shortlisted for a national award.

The NHS Parliamentary Awards celebrate the achievements of NHS staff and teams. Regional winners are nominated by local MPs and selected by local NHS leaders.

Dr Neubauer was nominated by Steve Race MP and Karin Smyth MP for setting up free, advanced abortion training for surgeons in the South West, after finding a shortage of UK abortion surgeons and poor, or non-existent access to abortion services for people at 18 weeks gestation, forcing them to travel long distances to access care.

By training a Consultant Obstetrician based in Bristol, Dr Neubauer has been pivotal in setting up a new unit for second trimester complex abortion care in Bristol, the first new NHS specialist abortion service to be established in several decades. As a result, from May of last year, people in the South West who need surgical abortion treatment at a hospital no longer have to travel to London.

Dr Neubauer’s training has been critical for the roughly 3,000 people each year who need to have a surgical abortion at a hospital because of underlying health conditions. Prior to this local unit, people were required to travel to London, making the experience costly and stressful for many, and impossible for others.

“Abortion is still a stigmatised area of healthcare but awards like this are a reminder that we live in an overwhelmingly pro-choice country.”

Dr Yvonne Neubauer, Associate Clinical Director at MSI Reproductive Choices UK, commented:

“It’s a great honour to be awarded the Excellence in Education and Training Award for the South West in the 2024 Parliamentary Awards. Abortion has become more accessible and woman-centered in recent years with improvements like the introduction of telemedicine for early medical abortion. However, despite being one of the most common gynaecological procedures in the UK, there are only a few doctors who are experienced in midtrimester surgical procedures, most of whom practise in London.

“I am motivated to create a new generation of doctors who will have the surgical skills to provide high quality abortion care that supports everyone’s choices no matter where they live. I am passionate about training and supporting colleagues who are then able to establish or improve their own services.

“Abortion is still a stigmatised area of healthcare but awards like this are a reminder that we live in an overwhelmingly pro-choice country. 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in their lifetime and at a time when we are witnessing a rollback on reproductive rights in countries around the world, it’s great to see the importance of abortion care being recognised by the NHS and parliamentarians, in particular Steve Race MP and Karin Smyth MP. Working at a global reproductive healthcare provider, I know that we cannot be complacent about our rights and must continue to drive progress and expand access for all.”

Quote from Dr Yvonne Neubauer on her win at the 2024 NHS Parliamentary Awards.

“Her vision and hard work have ensured that more women can access essential healthcare services in the South West without having to travel far. Truly impressive!”

Comment from the judges:

“Amongst some excellent nominations for the Excellence in Education and Training Award Dr Yvonne Neubauer’s work has been remarkable in addressing the national shortage of abortion surgeons and improving access to complex abortion care.

“Her efforts have made a significant impact on women’s health, particularly in the South West region of England. By offering free specialist surgical training, Dr Neubauer has not only expanded abortion capacity but also contributed to healthcare workforce recruitment and retention.

“Her vision and hard work have ensured that more women can access essential healthcare services in the South West without having to travel far. Truly impressive!”

A huge congratulations to the very deserving winners at yesterday’s NHS Parliamentary Awards. It was a great honour to be the shortlisted winner for the South West in the Excellence in Education and Training category.

The national awards ceremony took place on 14th October 2024, where Yvonne was given her regional award and celebrated the winners of the national awards.

Speaking on the event, Yvonne shared: “A huge congratulations to the very deserving winners at yesterday’s NHS Parliamentary Awards. It was a great honour to be the shortlisted winner for the South West in the Excellence in Education and Training category. One in three women will have an abortion at some point in her life and 90% of people are pro-choice. Yet abortion is still a stigmatised service, so at a time when we are seeing global rollbacks on reproductive rights, it’s fantastic that Karin Smyth MP and Steve Race MP nominated this project and that the Awards panel recognised why it matters.”



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