First name:
We don’t need your first name but it can help if you’d like us to contact you (for further details about how we process your data, you can read our privacy notice).
I’d like to share my story about: *
Did you have your abortion with us? *
Details of your story: *
Please don’t mention any personal data e.g. names, address or date of birth
Are you happy for us to share your story: *
Please tick the box(s) to let us know where you are happy for us to share your story. If you change your mind, you can email us at any point at [email protected] and we will delete your story from external media.
Are you happy for us to contact you about your story? *
Are you interested in sharing your story with a journalist? *
If you are interested, with your permission our team may contact you to discuss this further. If you do speak with our team, you can let them know if you would like to share your name with the journalist, or if you would prefer not to.
* Mandatory fields
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