Social Media Guidelines

At MSI Reproductive Choices, our mission is to ensure that everyone, everywhere, can exercise their right to make informed choices about their bodies and their futures.
Our patients come to us for safe abortion, contraception, and post-abortion care services because they know they can rely on us for clear, accurate information in a safe and secure environment.
Protecting our patients is at the heart of what we do, from our centres to our outreach sites, and on our online channels.
The MSI Reproductive Choices social media pages are intended to be a safe and welcoming space for our clients and supporters. Here, they can communicate with us and find accurate, up-to-date information about the work that we do.
We often receive questions on how we manage our pages, including how we make decisions to hide comments or ban users.
As a service provider, our priority will always be the safety of those who come to us for information and care. Therefore, anything that we believe jeopardises users’ ability to use this page free from harm, judgement, or stigma, will be removed.
Outlined below is the criteria we use to make these decisions. While we adhere to these guidelines as closely as possible, occasionally we must use our discretion.
We may remove comments that:
- Unintentionally promote misleading health information
- Reveal personal information
- Reveal information about our staff or clients
We may ban users who:
- Use violent words, phrases, or images, that have a clear intent to provoke an emotional response, e.g. “murder”, “death”, and “kill”.
- Intentionally promote false information or anti-choice propaganda, including the use of graphic images.
- Use abusive or threatening language towards a group or individual, including a user who has expressed support for, or an experience of, abortion.
- Threaten any user of this page. In this instance, the user will also be reported
While we recognise the importance of healthy debate, this page was not created for that purpose. We encourage all users who wish to engage in a debate on abortion rights to find an alternative platform.
We appreciate your understanding.