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My abortion pill story

Stories  •  27 March 2023  • 4 min read



“I wouldn’t be renting the flat I rent, I wouldn’t have finished my medical degree, I wouldn’t be living the life I live if I hadn’t had my abortion.”

A client’s experience of a medical abortion with MSI.

“Overall my experience of abortion was positive, it was the right decision for both myself and my partner who are still together and strong today.”

I found out I was pregnant one month into my relationship with my current partner. This was a total shock and we both knew we were not ready to be parents – especially this early on into the relationship. I had never been pregnant before and never anticipated that I was going to be pregnant when I took the test, the only reason I took it was to reassure my partner – then those two lines appeared.

He voiced from that moment that he was not ready to be a parent and I knew deep down I wasn’t either, although it was hard for me to accept that. We are both in our early twenties, we barely knew each other at this point and I am a student in my final year of university with no income other than student finance support.

Accessing the abortion was an easy process. I felt no judgement and the staff I communicated with were really supportive and compassionate. I had searched for other women’s stories and prepared myself- as I was only 6 weeks pregnant I had a medical procedure at home with the support of my partner. The procedure was not as bad as I anticipated, although it was not easy. The most important aspect is to make sure you are comfortable and relax, if you have support available from your partner, your family, your friends – please utilise it and don’t go through it alone.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for the ease of access to this service, I wouldn’t be renting the flat I rent, I wouldn’t have finished my medical degree, I wouldn’t be living the life I live if I hadn’t had my abortion.”

Overall my experience of abortion was positive, it was the right decision for both myself and my partner who are still together and strong today. The only negative aspect is the judgement and comments made from other people who have not put themselves in our situation and this is why I am choosing to speak out and voice my story.

I want other women to know that others have been through this, you are not alone and if it is right for you then it is absolutely the right decision to make. Some days I feel lonely, like I am the only woman in the world that has been through this and no one can relate, but then I remind myself that SO many women have accessed this service, some chose not to discuss it and others fear discussing it because of the judgement and comments others make.

There isn’t a day that passes where I don’t think of the life I could be living if I didn’t make this choice, but for the sake of everyone involved, it was the RIGHT choice for me and I do not regret it.

Read more abortion stories

Sharing stories is at the heart of ending the stigma that too many people still feel when it comes to abortion.



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