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How to get a NHS-funded vasectomy treatment?

Vasectomy  •  27 March 2023  • 4 min read



Vasectomy is a permanent and effective method of contraception for those who are sure they don’t want any, or any more children. In the UK, you can access NHS-funded (free) vasectomy services from providers like MSI Reproductive Choices UK.

In this blog, you will find information on: 

  • What a vasectomy is
  • How to book a vasectomy on the NHS
  • Getting a GP referral for an NHS-funded vasectomy
  • Self-referral for an NHS-funded vasectomy

What is a vasectomy?

vasectomy is a safe, simple and permanent method of contraception that is suitable for people who are sure they don’t want any, or any more, children.

The procedure takes about 15 minutes, and is one of the most effective methods of contraception that exists. During the procedure, a surgeon will seal the sperm-carrying tubes (vas deferens) to prevent sperm entering the ejaculation fluid. At MSI UK, our expert surgeons use the non-scalpel technique, which has a low complication rate, should cause very little bleeding, and stitches are rarely needed.

A vasectomy will not affect your hormones, orgasm, or ejaculation, so there’s no reason why a vasectomy should affect your sex life.

When deciding whether you want a vasectomy treatment, please remember that a vasectomy reversal is possible but not guaranteed so it is better to view a vasectomy as a permanent method of contraception. We offer free, confidential counselling to clients who would like to talk through their decision.  

How to get a NHS-funded vasectomy treatment?

At MSI Reproductive Choices we have been helping people with their reproductive options for over 40 years. We provide NHS-funded vasectomy care, as well as private (self-funded) treatment, through our network of clinics across England.

There are a couple of ways you can access NHS-funded vasectomy treatments with MSI Reproductive Choices in the UK.

Getting a GP referral for an NHS-funded vasectomy

One way to book a vasectomy on the NHS is by getting a referral from your GP. In order to do this, you can take the following steps:

  • Please call your GP to get a referral for a MSI UK vasectomy treatment
  • Your GP will need to fill out a referral form and send it to us
  • Alternatively, your GP may wish to refer you using the NHS eReferral system. If so, they will issue you with a Unique Booking Reference Number (UBRN) and password so that you can call us to book an appointment.

Self-referral for an NHS-funded vasectomy treatment

In some areas of the country, you can refer yourself without seeing your GP first. 

People that live or are registered with a GP in one of the areas below can call us directly to make a booking, without having a GP referral: 

  • Leeds 
  • North East Hampshire and Farnham 
  • Surrey Heath 
  • South Tyneside
  • Sheffield

Read more about having a vasectomy at MSI UK below:

Get in touch

At MSI Reproductive Choices, we are here for you and there are a number of ways you can contact us.    

You can always get in touch should you have any questions about our services, would like to book an appointment or you have had treatment with us and want aftercare support.  



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