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Safe access zones around abortion clinics are signed into law in England and Wales

Abortion  •  3 May 2023  • 3 min read



Safe access zones around abortion clinics are signed into law in England and Wales

London, 3rd May 2023

On 2nd May, safe access zones (also known as abortion clinic ‘buffer zones’) were signed into law in England and Wales, protecting clinics and ensuring that those accessing or providing essential abortion care will soon be able to do so free from anti-choice harassment and intimidation.

In a huge victory for reproductive rights, safe access zones have been signed into law in England and Wales. The legislation will make it an offence to influence, obstruct, or harass those accessing or providing abortion care within 150 metres of a clinic, hospital, or any premises providing services. Soon, everyone will have the right to access vital reproductive healthcare with safety, dignity and privacy.  

Louise McCudden, UK Head of External Affairs at MSI Reproductive Choices, commented:

“Safe access zones around abortion clinics have been signed into law in England and Wales. Before long, all those accessing abortion care will be able to do so safely, confidentially, and with dignity.

“The first ever safe access zone was introduced around our clinic in Ealing, so we know all too well the major impact that hostile activity outside our clinics can have, and why these protections are so important.

“With legislation already in place in Northern Ireland, and the Scottish government committed to taking action, soon abortion access will be free from harassment and distress across the whole of the UK.

“In the aftermath of the overturning of Roe v Wade last year, we see anti-choice activity outside clinics around the world, so it’s especially heartening to see the UK taking the lead in protecting reproductive rights.”

For further information please contact:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 (0) 7769 166 516

To find out more

To read more about safe access zones and why we have been campaigning for national legislation, read our blogs at the links below: 

To read more about safe access zones currently in place around our clinics in West London and Manchester, click on the links below:



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