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A client from Brighton shares their abortion story

Stories  •  23 January 2024  • 2 min read



I feared there would be more interrogation about my ‘why’, but instead the focus was on my health and safety, trusting the decision I had already made before arriving at the clinic.

A client’s experience of accessing abortion care at MSI UK’s Brighton clinic and the support offered.

“This was my first experience of abortion, and I came to the clinic feeling shame, apprehension and a lot of sadness, but the care I received was above and beyond my expectations.”

I felt so safe, so supported, and not at all judged throughout my hour in the clinic. The women who cared for me were sensitive to the details that might be triggering, and did everything they could to make the process quick whilst sharing all the necessary information.

I feared there would be more interrogation about my ‘why’, but instead the focus was on my health and safety, trusting the decision I had already made before arriving at the clinic.

I am so incredibly grateful for this service, and that women in the UK are receiving this level of care at an incredibly stressful and sad juncture.

Thank you so so much to everyone at the Brighton clinic.

Read more abortion stories

Sharing stories is at the heart of ending the stigma that too many people still feel when it comes to abortion.



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